Violent extremism and radicalization that lead to terrorism (VERLT) are transnational challenges which are not restricted to any nationality, ethnicity, religion, ideology or gender. The unpredictable and evolving nature of these threats makes them difficult to prevent and counter. The OSCE participating
States have been unequivocal in their condemnation of terrorism and violent extremism, as well as in their support of a multi-dimensional approach that focuses on the prevention of VERLT.

The OSCE believes in a whole-of-society approach to preventing and countering VERLT. This reflects the understanding that efforts to counter terrorism and violent extremism can no longer be the responsibility of only security actors; to be effective, a co‑operative and inclusive approach to preventing and countering VERLT (P/CVERLT) is required, one that involves other government entities as well as civil society actors. This also means that trust and communication between security actors and communities must be improved. While successful civil society efforts to prevent and counter VERLT take into account the importance of families, women, youth, educators, and religious and community leaders, the security sector has historically been slower in embracing diversity, including aspects related to gender. This can be seen in the percentage of women working in the security sector, as well as in the common lack of gender sensitivity in police services that engage directly with communities.

This handbook reflects the OSCE’s commitment to supporting a gender-aware approach for the security sector in preventing and countering VERLT. The OSCE participating States have recognized the significance of gender in several commitments, including the OSCE Ministerial Council Declaration No. 4/15 on preventing and countering VERLT, which was adopted in Belgrade in December 2015. The OSCE also supports the UN Security Council Resolution 2242 (2015), which calls for the greater integration by States of their agendas on women, peace and security, including on counter-terrorism and P/CVERLT.

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