This guidebook is at the intersection of three important thematic priorities for the OSCE that were recently reaffirmed by participating States. “Countering violent extremism and radicalization that lead to terrorism following a multidimensional approach” and “promoting and protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms in the context of counterterrorism measures” are two strategic focus areas for OSCE counterterrorism activities, as outlined in the OSCE Consolidated Framework for the Fight against Terrorism, adopted in December 2012. “Promoting police-public partnerships/community policing” is a thematic priority highlighted in the OSCE Strategic Framework for Police-Related Activities, adopted in July 2012.

This guidebook is the result of a joint project carried out by the OSCE Secretariat’s Transnational Threats Department (TNTD), with its Action against Terrorism Unit and Strategic Police Matters Unit, and the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), which runs a specific
programme on Human Rights and Anti-Terrorism. The project also benefited from the expertise and advice of a number of colleagues working in OSCE field operations on human rights, counterterrorism and/or community policing, as well as external experts from governments, civil society, academia and other international organizations.

We believe this guidebook illustrates how the OSCE lives up to its trademark comprehensive and co-operative approach to security, drawing on its multidimensional expertise and networks to provide guidance on one of the most sensitive, yet crucial, challenges faced by its participating States: preventing terrorism. We hope that this guidebook will prove to be a useful resource to counterterrorism policymakers and senior police professionals, as well as interested members of civil society throughout the OSCE area and beyond.

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