Pakistan Center of Excellence (PACE) is a Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) initiative brought forth by Center for Research and Security Studies (CRSS) with the aim of provoking critical thinking through
discourse focused on core fundamental values, namely, socio-political diversity, acceptance of diversity, rule of law and equal citizenry and the laws stated under Articles 8 to 28 of the Constitution of Pakistan. With the help of the Government of Netherlands, the first phase of the project was executed successfully from September 2015 to September 2018. The project has
now entered its second phase.

PACE aims to create a critical mass of young leaders, including college and university professors from all across Pakistan, equipped with critical skills to analyze various social issues and consider equal
citizenship an integral part of a functioning system. Furthermore, PACE works to break misconceptions and preconceived notions about religious minorities and promotes discourse highlighting topics, such as, rule of law, equal citizenry and secular governance in order to promote social cohesion and tolerance among the masses. Monthly collaborative workshops encouraged young people to come together and devise ideas for a more harmonious future.

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