EXIT-Germany is an initiative assisting individuals, who want to leave the extreme right-wing movement and start a new life. EXIT-Germany was founded by criminologist and former police detective Bernd Wagner and former neo-Nazi leader Ingo Hasselbach. EXIT-Germany has been working since summer 2000 to provide assistance to dropouts from extreme and violent right-wing environments. Being the first to start such an endeavour in Germany, EXIT-Germany constitutes one of the most experienced and successful programmes in de-radicalisation and exit-assistance in the world, looking back to the first de-radicalisation experiences by its founder Bernd Wagner starting in 1989., EXIT-Germany since then has been continuously working to help individuals from all backgrounds, but mainly from highly radicalised milieus (group leaders, terrorists,party leaders) to leave the movement and to develop methods and programmes in the field. Since the year 2000 over 500 individual cases have been successfully finished with a recidivism rate of approximately 3%.

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