Ethno-nationalism and political and religious extremism are one of the main threats to public security
and a major challenge in the fight against violent extremism and terrorism, both for our country and for the Western Balkan countries. However, usually when it comes to extremist activity, the public debate focuses on people who have gone to foreign battlefields, returnees and recruiters, as a direct threat to public security. What is often less analysed are the various less visible, but potent extremist scenes that are driven by ethnic, religious and political diversity and that respectively influence the attitudes towards citizen equality and building a more tolerant and inclusive society.

Therefore, the key interest of this analysis is the frames in which the messages are constructed and in which the extremist scenes operate in the Republic of North Macedonia. The starting point of this research is the framing theory where the frames are the nexus between the political articulation that takes place at macro level and the insights at micro level and help us to understand the process of defin- ing the extremist agendas.

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