Today, drug abuse has become a threat that poses a significant challenge to the physical and mental well-being of societies. Territories with a history of state neglect, low service delivery, cross-border management and control, and different sources of tensions represent havens for drug traffickers. In addition, despite the ideal of purity promoted within many violent extremist groups, drugs have also been used as a powerful device for increasing performances within their ranks and social control. In the quest of understanding this phenomenon, this episode will look into the emergence and evolution of drug use within violent extremist groups, while also unpacking the gendered, often underexplored aspects of drug abuse within violent extremism groups, further challenging the notion of women as passive actors in settings of violent extremism through anecdotal, diverse and personalised accounts. It will also look into drugs as a pathway for financing insurgent activities, exploring the possible intersections between illicit crime, drug abuse and violent extremist groups, on one hand, and as a possible source of revenue in contexts of corruption, on the other.

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