“To effectively counter fascist and far-right extremism – viewed together under the umbrella term ‘radical right’ here – you need to understand it first. Which groups are revolutionary or violent? Who are the most dangerous figures, and why?

And vitally, what are the best ways to counter the radical right? By force, by law, or by peaceful protest? Or do other methods bear scrutiny? And how can extremists get out the movement? Does deradicalisation work? And how do these approaches to ultra-nationalist groups work in an interconnected world – and with online radicalisation a real problem?

These are questions this joint project, led by the Centre for Analysis of the Radical Right, has set itself. Our goal is no less than to provide a model of ‘best practice’ for understanding, countering and deradicalising radical right extremists around the world. Please take part in learning with us, and in addressing this urgent challenge through serious analysis and counter-narratives …”

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