It is the task of the Council of Europe to safeguard European values and individual rights at pan-European level. The European Convention on Human Rights is our basis, in addition to the numerous other
Conventions, as well as programmes and activities that we have developed and adopted over the years.

We remain determined to make a strong contribution to the fight against violent extremism and radicalisation leading to terrorism, firmly basing our action on the respect of human rights, rule of law and democracy, which constitute the three areas of activity of the Council of Europe. Any successful action against terrorism, violent extremism and radicalisation must closely build upon these values.

While the main responsibility for preventing and combating terrorism is at the state level, porous borders and digital communication require a collective effort.

The purpose of this Action Plan is to develop, within the Council of Europe mandate and drawing on the
Organisation’s strengths and comparative advantages, targeted activities capable of supporting and
reinforcing the efforts of member States and to contribute to the objectives defined at international level (UN). In doing so, the Council of Europe will use the unique foundations provided by:
– its pan-European membership;
– its legal instruments, in particular the European Convention on Human Rights; and finally,
– its monitoring and advisory bodies and its practical tools.

The Action Plan will cover the period 2015-17, building on and complementing the activities set out in the “Immediate action by the Council of Europe to combat extremism and radicalisation leading to terrorism” (SG/Inf(2015)4rev, 9 February 2015) and subsequent deliberations in the Committee of Ministers, as well as during the Annual Retreat hosted by the Secretary General.

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