The Albanian State Police (ASP) has implemented Community Policing (CP) for the past nine years seeking to establish community partnership with other actors at the local level. The ultimate goal is to create a safe environment by establishing partnerships and stable community structures.

An instrument for promoting collaboration between ASP and the local government institutions, actors and stakeholders (LGI), the Law on State Police stipulates the adoption of yearly regional policing strategies (YRPS). However, although the YRPS have been regularly produced by the local police
directorates on annual basis, these documents have not been regarded and, consequently, not used as instruments to foster cooperation with the local stakeholders.

Strategies have problems with legal compliance, particularly in terms of their adoption date, addressing community needs, and preliminary consultation with local government institutions prior to submission for approval to policy groups. The strategies are very similar in form and content and do not take into account the specific context of the region and the community structure. While there has been continuous
interaction between ASP and LGI, local government institutions have not been substantially involved and consulted on the design and implementation of the yearly regional policing strategies (YRPS) and, accordingly, in the development of effective and enforceable strategies.

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