Showing 12 of 2500 results.

This list of practitioners’ recommendations takes stock of practitioner experience and reflects the measures practitioners feel could facilitate their counterparts’ work. It is intended to give national authorities extra insight into practitioners’ needs and ideas as they review existing approaches and strategies in light of challenges related to returning foreign…

Оваа листа на препораки од стручните работници е резултат на нивното искуство и ги одразува мерките за кои тие сметаат дека би можеле да ја олеснат работата на нивните колеги. Намерата е на националните власти да им се даде дополнителен увид во потребите и во идеите на стручните работници, со…

Les violents attentats qui ont récemment frappé la France, entre autres pays, ont suscité des comparaisons avec le terrorisme que connut l’Italie pendant les années 1970. Sans se livrer à un tel exercice de comparaison, Marc Lazar nous livre ici les réflexions que lui inspire sa connaissance de l’Italie des…

La lucha contra el terrorismo no es un cometido nuevo en la historia de la integración europea 1. Progresivamente, si bien con mayor celeridad tras los atentados del 11 de septiembre de 2001 en los Estados Unidos, la Unión Europea (UE) ha adoptado una serie de instrumentos que abordan la…

The manual includes a list of practitioner recommendations for EU Member States, as well as background information on foreign terrorist fighter returnees, and individual chapters on: Investigation and risk assessment, Multi-agency agreement on intervention, The prosecution route, The non-prosecution route / resocialisation, Child returnees, Cross-cutting issues (gender differentiation, communication, local…

Violent extremism has been growing in Tajikistan, together with women’s engagement with it. It poses a threat to security and stability, and threatens to undermine the progress towards peace that the country has made since the Civil War which ended in 1997. Trends are most evident in urban and semiurban…

The Protocol to the Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism (CETS No. 196) makes a number of acts, including taking part in an association or group for the purpose of terrorism, receiving terrorist training, travelling abroad for the purposes of terrorism and financing or organising travel for…

Many young Muslims are growing up feeling pressured that they need to justify they are safe members of the community, writes Clarke Jones. They want to be treated as equal citizens rather than members of ‘suspect communities’. We need better-designed programs that properly engage communities and acknowledge the underlying issues…

CEP’s country reports detail the history of extremist movements, major terror attacks, and counter-extremism measures. Reports include information on radicalization and foreign fighters, extremism and terrorist movements, and domestic and international counter-extremism initiatives.

CEP’s country reports detail the history of extremist movements, major terror attacks, and counter-extremism measures. Reports include information on radicalization and foreign fighters, extremism and terrorist movements, and domestic and international counter-extremism initiatives.