Showing 12 of 2500 results.

Well-trained practitioners are invaluable in any effort to prevent and counter radicalisation. The subject of training was therefore high on the agenda at several Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN) meetings in 2017. These culminated in the Thematic event ‘Training practitioners to prevent and counter violent extremism’ in Brussels on 16 November….

Civil society organizations represent a bulwark against violent extremism. Within South and Central Asia, a vibrant and independent civil society has been working to tackle many of the ongoing development, political, and socioeconomic challenges that often give rise to an environment conducive to violent extremism. Civil society’s role in preventing…

This report presents the findings of a project run with partners from the Arena Project, part of the Institute for Global Affairs at LSE, that investigated Kremlin and other foreign attempts to influence the 2017 German elections. The project uncovered the tactics and narratives employed by Kremlin-sponsored media, pro-Kremlin social…

El artículo analiza la probabilidad de que el grupo yihadista Daesh ejecute un atentado terrorista en España o los retornados persigan el mismo fin, así como los posibles objetivos contra los que se dirigirían. También se evalúan las actuales políticas de prevención y des-radicalización de individuos que suponen una amenaza…

This study, based on a combination of desk research, questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, as well as field visits to the Western Balkans, aims to map the needs and provide an assessment of capacities in the region related to the disengagement, de-radicalization, rehabilitation, and reintegration of former foreign fighters.

This article explores the link between radicalization patterns and modes of attack planning and preparation among lone-actor terrorists. Building on theorized patterns of lone-actor radicalization, we discuss and compare their modes of pre-attack behavior, including target and weapon choice, observance of operational security measures, likeliness of engaging in leakage behavior,…

What explains cross‐national variation of right‐wing terrorism and violence (RTV)? This question remains largely unanswered in existing research on the extreme right because (1) events data suitable for cross‐national comparisons have been lacking, and (2) existing analyses fail to capture RTV’s causal complexity, which involve multiple causal paths (equifinality) comprising…

Recent years have seen a dramatic rise in terrorist activities around the world, including in South Asia. Effective and timely international and regional cooperation is essential for States to prevent terrorist acts and bring terrorists to justice. The United Nations Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED), with the assistance of the…