Showing 12 of 2500 results.

The ability of terrorists to cause mayhem, ruin lives and generate fear is something that we continue to witness in almost every part of the world and on an almost daily basis. More and more, however, we are beginning to observe that their ability to wreck damage goes far beyond…

This policy brief offers a practitioner’s perspective on how police-community relations eventually were moved from a place of distrust in certain sections of society to one of wider acceptance and partnership with improved long-term gains against violent extremism. It highlights how implementing a comprehensive community policing strategy can serve as…

This report is a comparative assessment of approaches to counter-radicalisation and de-radicalisation within four countries from the European Policy Planners’ Network (EPPN). It begins by setting out the definitions of key terms. It then provides an overview of the recent history of extremist violence and the approaches taken in tackling…

Global Prison Trends 2018 is the fourth edition in PRI’s annual flagship Global Prison Trends series, which identifies topical developments and challenges in criminal justice and prison policy and practice. It is published in collaboration with the Thailand Institute of Justice, and features a foreword by the Rt Hon Helen…

Terrorism poses multi-dimensional challenges and requires multi-dimensional responses. Experience has shown that respecting and protecting human rights and fundamental rule of law principles are not an impediment to, but a vital condition for addressing security threats effectively. The threats posed by so-called “foreign terrorist fighters” (FTFs) and the responses required…

Foreign terrorist fighters (FTFs) have, over the past few years, constituted one of the major threats to international peace and security. On 24 September 2014, the United Nations Security Council adopted resolution 2178 as a response to the increasing threat posed by FTFs, requiring Member States to implement criminal justice…

El texto aporta una reflexión analítica comprehensiva sobre las tendencias del yihadismo global, la peculiaridad del modus operandi de las organizaciones terroristas y el perfil de las personas inspiradas por la violencia y como estos factores contribuyen amoldear la respuesta policial en un escenario atravesado por la incertidumbre y la…

Evitar la radicalización violenta es uno de los grandes debates y desafíos que nos encontramos hoy en las sociedades occidentales. Aunque no toda radicalización hay que vincularla directamente ni con la violencia ni con el terrorismo, hay que prevenir la radicalización a priori para que esta no desemboque en los…

The intent of this practitioner guide is to better acquaint development practitioners with the use of surveys in preventing or countering violent extremism (CVE). Surveys are an excellent way to gather systematic data about violent extremism, as well as the behaviors and attitudes of the general public or important segments…

The report reflects the media monitoring findings conducted by the Media Development Foundation (MDF). The goal of the media monitoring was to study the factors conducive to radicalization of Muslim youth and explore the role of media in this process. The target of media monitoring was the Georgian, Russian, Azerbaijani…

It is right before daybreak on December 26. Village Duisi in Pankisi Gorge is wrapped in darkness. Nineteen-year-old Temirlan is laying in his bed. He does not know anything yet. It has been one month since anti-terrorist special operation orchestrated on Gabriel Salosi Av- enue in Tbilisi.2 State Security Service…

This report represents the analysis of qualitative research findings on the major challenges of Azerbaijan’s and Georgia’s policies on countering violent extremism and radicalization. Desk research was conducted in the case of Azerbaijan to uncover the root causes of violent extremism, while the research conducted in Georgia covered the following…