Showing 12 of 2488 results.

In this article, I propose a theoretical framework that provides a new perspective on the variation and contestation of P/CVE (Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism) policies in the world. Drawing on the public policy literature, I argue that P/CVE emerged in response to the policy problem of terrorism, but then…

Violent extremist organisations (VEOs) use social media platforms to promote extremist content and coordinate agendas. The use of digital platforms to disseminate information and coordinate activities by VEOs in Nigeria has grown considerably in recent years. This report analyses the adoption of social media before and after attacks by Boko…

This paper describes the development of a programme theory for a football-based radicalisation prevention programme. As part of the Belgian Red Courts programme, an initiative of the Belgian Football Association in cooperation with the Vrije Universiteit Brussels and the Hannah-Arendt Institute, a literature review was conducted that links current research…

This policy paper summarizes the current state of affairs regarding the linkages of terrorist groups in West Africa with terrorist networks in other African regions. It also provides recommendations for policymakers and security agencies. The paper looks at linkages of JNIM, IS West Africa Province (ISWAP), and IS in the…

Among the takeaways from the ongoing Strong Cities Transatlantic Dialogue Initiative is that cities should not only view community-based organisations as partners in prevention but must also invest both in building long-term relationships with them and help them build their technical and institutional capacities. Strong Cities recognises that the ability of local…

Research summary We compare European and North American radicalization trajectories that led to involvement in terrorist violence (n = 103) with those for which this outcome did not occur (n = 103). Regression analyses illustrate how involvement in terrorist violence is determined not only by the presence of risk, but also the absence of…

While much is known about factors associated with deradicalisation and disengagement from violent extremism and terrorism, the underlying mechanisms at play have been under theorised. Literature on criminal desistance has a lot to offer in understanding the process of exiting from extremism, particularly in how it proceeds, the mechanisms at…

This report provides a review of the research on the exploitation of gaming and gaming‑adjacent platforms by violent extremists and the policies seeking to mitigate the impact of that exploitation. There is increasing interest in the nexus of online gaming and (violent) extremism. This report builds on the work of…

Online abuse and extremism disproportionately target marginalised populations, particularly people of colour, women and transgender and non‐binary people. The core argument of this report focuses on the intersecting failure of Preventing and Counter Violent Extremism (P/CVE) policies and cybersecurity policies to centre the experiences and needs of victims and survivors…

A string of terror attacks in Kenya in the late 2000s necessitated robust counter terrorism responses by the Government. The Washington-led countering violent extremism strategy in 2011 came as a salvage tool for countering violent extremism programmes in Kenya and beyond. In September 2016, the government of Kenya launched the…

Globally speaking, primary prevention of radicalisation and violent extremism in southern EU Member States (MSs) (Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain) has not attracted a lot of attention compared to other geographical areas, Spain being a notable exception. One reason for this may be that in many EU MSs, prevention…

In Sweden, local authorities are encouraged to cooperate with civil society to promote resilience to violent extremism. However, some (mostly Muslim) organisations are approached with suspicion and sometimes accused of not subscribing to basic democratic principles. Along with cooperation and resilience, suspicion seems to be a recurrent and global theme…