Showing 12 of 2500 results.

La importancia de los centros penitenciarios como ámbito de radicalización yihadista, en el caso español, es más limitada que respecto a otros ámbitos en que determinados individuos llegan a interiorizar una visión fundamentalista y belicosa del credo islámico. Pero también han servido, ocasionalmente, como espacio para la articulación de grupos…

The conflict in Syria and the associated rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) had a major mobilising effect upon the global jihadist movement, also in the Netherlands. The jihadist movement was greatly impacted by those travelling to the conflict area to join the jihad, those who…

UNESCO South Sudan and the Ministry of General Education and Instruction of the Republic of South Sudan in partnership with UNESCO-IICBA and Hedayah organized a “National Follow-up Capacity-building Workshop on the Prevention of Violent Extremism through Education (PVE-E)” from 3 to 5 October 2018. The workshop was attended by 31…

Issues related to women, peace, and security have increasingly been brought to the attention of the Security Council, its Counter-Terrorism Committee, and the Committee’s Executive Directorate (CTED). There is a growing awareness of the significant role played by women both in terrorism and in efforts to counter terrorism and violent…

Different forms of violent extremism and radicalisation that leads to terrorism (VERLT) are global phenomena that each society should actively and determinedly oppose at the local, national, regional and international level. The region of the Western Balkans is one of the most sensitive areas, bearing in mind the negative legacy…

El escritor norteamericano Don DeLillo, en un breve ensayado titulado En las ruinas del futuro, explica que ante el terrorismo internacional las sociedades amenazadas deben crear una “contra-narrativa” mediática que se oponga a los discursos del terror. En este artículo, se parte de esta idea y se analizan dos muestras…

The constructive dialogues on religion and democracy project was implemented between February 2017 and January 2020. It aimed to develop tolerance and non-violence among young people and facilitate dialogue between the government and civil society as well as religious and secular experts to advocate for wider, safer spaces for discussions…

Albania gained much international attention in recent years as an exporter of foreign fighters (FFs) and other supporters of various terrorist organizations involved in fighting throughout the war in Syria. When mapping the places of origin of violent extremists and FFs there is no even distribution throughout the country; instead…

One-third of today’s generation of youth—those ages ten to twenty-four—live in fragile or conflicted countries and are susceptible to the sway of ideological narratives of violent extremism. Evidence suggests, however, that they also play active and valuable roles as agents of positive and constructive change. Part of a USIP portfolio…

In recent years there has been the proliferation of counterradicalization programs that incorporate a case management approach involving individually tailored intervention plans. The evaluation of case-managed countering violent extremism (CVE) interventions is challenging. This article provides results from research that evaluated a custody-based case-managed intervention delivered to convicted terrorists and…

Three years after the first assessment of the phenomenon of violent extremism (VE) in Albania (Religious radicalism and violent extremism in Albania, 2015), IDM has re-examined the state of affairs through a comprehensive assessment of drivers and other factors leading to, or enabling, violent extremism at the national level. The…