Showing 12 of 2488 results.

The overall objective of this study is to identify and explore the ideological drivers of radicalization in Albania by analyzing the process of Albanian religious revival and the reestablishment of the religious infrastructure and institutions. This study sheds light on the encompassing social, political, and economic factors that fueled the…

Objektivi i përgjithshëm i këtij studimi është të identifikojë dhe të eksplorojë faktorët nxitës ideologjikë të radikalizmit në Shqipëri duke analizuar procesin e ringjalljes fetare shqiptare dhe rimëkëmbjen e infrastrukturës dhe institucioneve fetare. Ky studim hedh dritë mbi faktorët socialë, politikë dhe ekonomikë që i dhanë një shtysë procesit të…

This briefing brings together the observations of a coalition of organisation who monitored the 2019 European Parliamentary Elections to identify distortion, disruption or interference campaigns and the technology companies response to them. You can read more about ISD’s work monitoring the 2019 EU Elections in our interim report, published 24th…

The Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) has uncovered a range of digital influence campaigns targeting the European Parliamentary elections through a mix of social media mapping, undercover online reporting and media monitoring. This interim briefing paper addresses who is behind these malign influence operations and analyses the techniques they use….

The advent of new communication technologies and their ubiquity has many benefits for information sharing at a global level. However, these new technologies have also created new challenges which our societies are now faced with: the spread of disinformation, manipulation and online hate. This report assesses the Sens Critique pilot…

This guidebook was written to help support policymakers and practitioners who are looking to develop programmes on interventions to prevent VERLT. It also focuses on some of the region-specific factors that need to be considered when developing referral mechanisms in South-Eastern Europe, drawing from consultations with key stakeholders from the…

Special Report prepared by TDI: Racial Intolerance and Xenophobia, Rights of Foreign Nationals in Georgia. The Report covers the following topics: Racism and public attitudes Discrimination and racially motivated crimes, relevant statistics Discriminatory treatment towards foreign nationals by commercial banks Issues and challenges of obtaining a residence permit in Georgia…

As the nature of terrorism and violent extremism continues to evolve across the OSCE area, the need remains for the development of impactful, sustainable, and responsible policies and programmes that work to prevent and counter violent extremism and radicalization that lead to terrorism (P/CVERLT). Many countries are now exploring multiagency…

El 1 de noviembre de 2018 se han cumplido 25 años de la entrada en vigor del Tratado de Maastricht por el que se creó la UE. Sin duda, supuso un hito en el proceso de construcción europea, superando el modelo de Comunidades europeas existente hasta este ese momento. Además,…