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During a webinar July 9, START released a new Global Terrorism Overview that highlights trends in worldwide terrorism in 2019. In 2019, there were nearly 8,500 terrorist attacks around the world, which killed more than 20,300 people, including 5,460 perpetrators and 14,840 victims. 2019 was the fifth consecutive year of…

During a webinar July 9, START released a new Global Terrorism Overview that highlights trends in worldwide terrorism in 2019. In 2019, there were nearly 8,500 terrorist attacks around the world, which killed more than 20,300 people, including 5,460 perpetrators and 14,840 victims. 2019 was the fifth consecutive year of…

В статье доказывается, что междисциплинарный подход на основе интеграции уже показавших свою эффективность исследовательских инструментов перспективен для изучения процесса онлайн-радикализации молодежи в социальных сетях. Мы опираемся на международный опыт междисциплинарных исследований в области изучения радикализации, накопленный в таких научных центрах, как START, ICSR, CSEC, ISGA, и др. В статье представлен…

This publication presents the results of a research project conducted by the Faculty of Criminalistics, Criminology and Security Studies in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The goal of the study was to analyze a number of socio-economic and security issues related to returnees from Syria and to establish their profile through…

This publication presents the results of a research project conducted by the Faculty of Criminalistics, Criminology and Security Studies in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The goal of the study was to analyze a number of socio-economic and security issues related to returnees from Syria and to establish their profile through…

The Western Balkans faces a double challenge from online extremism. Online platforms are facilitating the specific targeting of the region by diverse international extremist narratives. Meanwhile regional histories and geopolitics are being appropriated to justify extremist actions and narratives around the world. This is part of a wider trend that…

Côte d’Ivoire is home to around 200,000 traditional hunters known as the dozo. These traditional hunters are common throughout West Africa and have often filled gaps in state security provision in remote areas by settling local disputes and protecting residents from banditry and theft. Since the end of the conflict…

Far-right groups are leveraging the Covid-19 crisis to further their objectives. Alongside other actors, they are one of the main forces actively seeking to undermine the effectiveness of public-health responses, in this case to further their ideological objectives. This is manifesting in the following ways: public harms through communications (disinformation,…

This report presents a framework with which peacebuilders can foster disengagement from violent extremism and reconciliation between those disengaging and affected communities by examining the individual, social, and structural dynamics involved. One of a series, the report was supported by the Center for Applied Conflict Transformation at the United States…

As research on violent extremism (VE) and terrorism continues to grow, the safety and protection of those individuals involved in this research needs to grow simultaneously. At the same time, the various stakeholders commissioning the research also face significant methodological, ethical, legal, and financial challenges in ensuring CVE research is…

The purpose of this research is to experimentally test whether counter-narratives are effective to reduce people’s support and willingness to join Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Integrating psychological reactance theory (Brehm, 1966) and need for closure (NFC; Kruglanski, 2004), we predicted that exposing people to counter-narratives when they…