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Early in his administration, U.S. President Donald Trump seemed poised to make major changes to U.S. policy toward Africa. His signature “America first” approach was inherently skeptical of foreign involvement, especially in what he allegedly called “shithole countries” in the developing world. He opposed international trade agreements, including with African…

With Afghan peace talks underway, those seeking to undermine the process are targeting Afghan women in hopes of derailing it. The US embassy in Afghanistan warned last month that extremist organizations are planning attacks that take direct aim at women, including teachers, government workers, and human-rights activists. The threats underscore how central…

Women’s participation in conflict prevention and resolution can improve outcomes before, during, and after conflict. But women are often excluded from formal peace processes. Between 1992 and 2019, women constituted, on average, 13 percent of negotiators, 6 percent of mediators, and 6 percent of signatories in major peace processes around the…

Preventing violent extremism is typically seen as a task for government security agencies, and yet civil society organizations also play a vital role. From community networks operating at the grassroots to policy research institutes, non-governmental groups have unparalleled advantages in reaching marginalized groups and supporting effective, locally defined responses. What…

This publication is a brief overview of non-professional media practices that violate the basic human rights of various social groups with hate speech, stereotyping, and prejudice. The publication intends to try to identify the existence of different narrative patterns of this practice to clearly point out why it is inadmissible…

This publication is a brief overview of non-professional media practices that violate the basic human rights of various social groups with hate speech, stereotyping, and prejudice. The publication intends to try to identify the existence of different narrative patterns of this practice to clearly point out why it is inadmissible…

The research study gives a clear picture of the role of women in the country and their position in the institutions on national and local level with regards to preventing and countering violent extremism and radicalisation. At the same time, it provides an insight into the perception of various actors,…

Violent extremism remains a persistent threat to peace and stability in the Sahel and Maghreb regions. It continues to cause death, injury and the destruction of property, disrupting the lives of ordinary citizens in the process. Nearly 6,000 people have lost their lives in ongoing conflicts between 2015 and April…

There has been an increase of attention to the need for inclusion of women in peace and security processes since the passing of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 in 2000 and its introduction of the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda. Donors, including the European Commission (EC), have…

This paper addresses questions in contemporary deradicalization efforts by focusing on three social segments of a particular society; the radicalized, the nonradicalized youth, and the host communities. In all these questions, the central themes of deradicalization and counterradicalization are envisioned in a spectrum of community-oriented programs, projects, and activities. The…