Showing 12 of 2505 results.

Preventing/Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE) interventions are largely based on theories that young people (especially young men) are particularly vulnerable to radicalisation leading to violent extremism. Youth is seen as a vulnerable time of identity formation, separation from family and openness to other influences. However, too much focus on youth as…

The Christchurch terror attack in March 2019 was a pivotal incident in the recent history of right-wing terrorism. Utilizing eight proximal warning behaviors from the Terrorist Radicalization Assessment Protocol (TRAP-18), this article provides a qualitative analysis of the attacker’s behavior following the formation of his terrorist intent. Events and activities…

This article analyses what the disavowal of abject forms of white supremacy reveals about the racial logic of the global preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE) agenda. We argue that the global P/CVE agenda is built on racialised concepts such as prevention, radicalisation and community – concepts that render it…

Although the far right has become more heterogenous in recent years, it remains predominantly a male-dominated environment, and a masculinist one. Indeed, it stands out from other political milieus with its explicit commitment to traditional gender roles, misogynistic rhetoric and/or anti-feminist views. What happens then when women researchers engage in…

As the literature on understanding and addressing <span class=”single_highlight_class”>extremism</span> and terrorism has expanded, there has also emerged a significant methodological literature. As well as providing valuable insight about research design, this literature increasingly addresses practical issues, such as how to gain access to difficult-to-reach populations, how to build trust, and strategies for…

There has been a growing interest among researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to analyze the online activities of extremists and terrorists. As studies in this research area have increased, various data collection techniques have emerged to address key research questions, ranging from manual extraction to computational tools to collect online information….

In the aftermath of the collapse of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant’s self-declared “caliphate,” the international community has grappled with the question of how to achieve accountability for crimes committed by the armed group. While prosecutions of captured ISIL fighters and other ISIL-affiliated individuals are occurring, they…

In recent years, the study of terrorism and violent extremism has increasingly benefited from the use of register data such as population data and judicial data. The use of this type of data brings with it many advantages, such as the ability to study complete populations, to combine different sources…

The bulk of research exploring the impacts of Boko Haram-induced crisis in Nigeria’s Northeast region focuses on the country’s social, economic, and political conditions while the understanding on the welfare of vulnerable populations – children living in the conflict-ridden communities is sparse. This study addresses the sparsity by investigating the…

Compared to studying other forms of illegal violence, terrorism research faces unique data challenges. Notably, consistent police data are generally lacking, victims often have no direct knowledge of attacks and are sometimes killed, and perpetrators are difficult to interview and are often unreliable sources. In the face of these data…

Reintegration of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups is the process through which they transition sustainably to live as civilian members of society in communities of their choice. The context in which reintegration takes place, the specific challenges, and opportunities, as well as the characteristics and…

In this article, we present an interdisciplinary analysis that combines perspectives of law and social work on the role of child welfare social work in Finnish repatriations of children from camps in north-eastern Syria after the territorial losses of the terrorist organisation ISIS in 2019. We used qualitative data that…