Showing 12 of 2488 results.

West African women are frequently absent from discussions of community security, despite their substantial contributions to local defense. Women are often viewed primarily as beneficiaries of attempts to reduce local violence, such that their roles in community-based security are typically overlooked. Yet women’s participation in CBAGs holds important implications for…

Terrorism continues to pose a significant threat to international peace and security, causing devastating human and economic losses. Moreover, the interplay between terrorism and other security threats, such as conflict and organized crime, has further complicated violence dynamics and offered new avenues for terrorist groups to sustain themselves, gain a…

By now it is something of a truism to say that the terrorist threat is constantly changing and is always adapting to whatever changes it sees itself confronted with. But merely acknowledging the fluid nature of the terrorist threat is not enough. We should, of course, try to understand what…

The COVID-19 pandemic poses unprecedented challenges to the global population’s physical and mental wellbeing, with long-lasting consequences on society. The level of uncertainty and risk involved in this health emergency has contributed to a steep increase in the overall polarization of the social and political environment, as demonstrated by the…


A new report from Tech Against Terrorism has found that global terrorist and violent extremist actors are running at least 198 websites on the surface web. In-depth analysis of 33 of the most prominent websites – run by actors such as Islamic State, al-Qaeda, Atomwaffen Division and the Taliban –…

The interplay between Islamist extremists and the violent right wing has raised fears among policy makers and practitioners about a vicious cycle of escalating tensions between extremist movements. These dynamics do not merely present a security threat, but also risks polarising societies. But this cumulative dynamic is just one piece…

Just over one year ago, Americans across the nation watched in stunned disbelief as one of the most powerful and sacred symbols of their democracy was attacked by a seething mob of their fellow country men and women. Through their televisions, laptops, and mobile devices they witnessed the furious crowd…

One year ago this week, a violent mob of President Donald Trump’s political supporters gathered at the White House, and after hearing speeches from President Trump and his allies, marched down Pennsylvania Avenue and committed an act of domestic terrorism against the U.S. Capitol. These political supporters who included known…

This resource is a video by The Hill, an American news media organization, from their international op-eds section. It is on the state of Afghanistan post-American military withdrawal.

Increasingly, lone actors and small groups of domestic extremists are motivated by diverse ideological amalgamations of extremist beliefs. As 2022 commences, the domestic security landscape continues to evolve and mutate. This blog post from Rise to Peace examines key trends in the US domestic terrorist landscape for CVE practitioners to…

Foreign terrorist fighters (FTFs) or jihadist terrorists and their wives and children returning to their countries of origin after the fall of the ISIS caliphate in Syria has created a great pressure on the institutions of the EU member states. Revoking citizenship and leaving wives and children of FTFs in…