Showing 12 of 2500 results.

Feelings of collective victimhood have been demonstrated to have a strong effect on ingroup bias, outgroup hostility and support for violence. The use of narratives stirring these feelings in far-right communications is especially concerning given their inclusion in the manifestos of several mass killers across Europe and North America. However,…

The relationship between hate crimes and terrorism remains a significant policy and academic concern. We provide the first empirical exploration of this relationship in New Zealand, drawing upon an original dataset of right-wing violent extremist (RWVE) incidents between 1997 and 2022. Employing analytical models of escalation and reaction we find evidence of connectivity between…

This article makes a case that CTS scholarship is always, necessarily, and specifically paradigmatically violent, even if one adopts CTS’ critiques of “mainstream” terrorism studies and understands CTS scholars to be normatively well-intended. In making that case, this article goes over different violences of CTS scholarship which have important impacts…

The association between 4chan and online extremist subcultures has seen increasing academic scrutiny—particularly following the 2019 Christchurch attack by a right-wing terrorist who frequented the anonymous forums. Gender-based extremism features as one (of many) critical subcultures that commands our academic attention, though few studies to date have sought to capture…

Our paper argues that Agent Based Modelling (ABM) can play an important role in evaluating interventions for counter radicalization and recruitment. Its advantages are due to three realities of research and practice in this area of study. First, field research on radicalization and recruitment raises significant ethical and human subjects…

Psychological theories of mobilization tend to focus on explaining people’s motivations for action, rather than mobilization (“activation”) processes. To investigate the online behaviors associated with mobilization, we compared the online communications data of 26 people who subsequently mobilized to right-wing extremist action and 48 people who held similar extremist views…

Classroom-based surveys are a proven method for studying adolescents since it is relatively easy and cost-effective to obtain a large number of participants from various backgrounds. They are also beneficial for research on youth radicalization and extremism. For example, they allow us to acquire information such as the percentage of…

Preventing/Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE) interventions are largely based on theories that young people (especially young men) are particularly vulnerable to radicalisation leading to violent extremism. Youth is seen as a vulnerable time of identity formation, separation from family and openness to other influences. However, too much focus on youth as…

The Christchurch terror attack in March 2019 was a pivotal incident in the recent history of right-wing terrorism. Utilizing eight proximal warning behaviors from the Terrorist Radicalization Assessment Protocol (TRAP-18), this article provides a qualitative analysis of the attacker’s behavior following the formation of his terrorist intent. Events and activities…

This article analyses what the disavowal of abject forms of white supremacy reveals about the racial logic of the global preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE) agenda. We argue that the global P/CVE agenda is built on racialised concepts such as prevention, radicalisation and community – concepts that render it…

Although the far right has become more heterogenous in recent years, it remains predominantly a male-dominated environment, and a masculinist one. Indeed, it stands out from other political milieus with its explicit commitment to traditional gender roles, misogynistic rhetoric and/or anti-feminist views. What happens then when women researchers engage in…

As the literature on understanding and addressing <span class=”single_highlight_class”>extremism</span> and terrorism has expanded, there has also emerged a significant methodological literature. As well as providing valuable insight about research design, this literature increasingly addresses practical issues, such as how to gain access to difficult-to-reach populations, how to build trust, and strategies for…