Showing 12 of 2488 results.

Criminal justice practitioners have a critical role to play in countering the growing transnational threat of Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremism (REMVE). To explore how criminal justice practitioners can most effectively tackle the REMVE phenomenon, the IIJ has launched a new initiative, which is being implemented with support from…

This is the 16th edition of the Global Peace Index (GPI), which ranks 163 independent states and territories according to their level of peacefulness. Produced by the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP), the GPI is the world’s leading measure of global peacefulness. This report presents the most comprehensive data-driven…

Rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning present both challenges and opportunities for terrorism and counterterrorism efforts. Violent extremists and other hostile actors can increasingly exploit emerging AI technologies to sow disinformation and exacerbate polarization, target humans and their information systems, manipulate data sets, and attack critical infrastructure….

In recent years, the importance of multi-agency work and collaboration between governments and civil society in exit work has increased significantly. With a growing number of exit programmes in Europe aiming to deradicalise individuals, prevent criminal offences and promote rehabilitation and reintegration into society, the awareness of exit work collaboration…

Seeking to explore the nature of European far-right online ecosystems, this research report examines the outlinking activity of identified pro-far-right users among the followers of the official Twitter accounts of two prominent far-right European political parties, Germany’s Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) and France’s Rassemblement National (RN). Employing a three-layered analysis,…

While the world’s attention has been hyper-focused on the COVID-19 outbreak and how best to handle it, the world has not stopped turning. One of the news stories that hasn’t gotten much attention, but can have a real impact on international security, is the growth of terrorism in Mozambique. The…

This research paper seeks to examine the nature of the nexus between right-wing extremism and the military by surveying five potential consequences (i.e., problem areas) arising from the presence of right-wing extremists within the armed forces of twelve Western countries. The five problem areas identified are military personnel: 1) committing…

Online social networking platforms allow people to freely express their ideas, opinions, and emotions negatively or positively. Previous studies have examined sentiments on these platforms to study their behavior in different contexts and purposes. The mechanism of collecting public opinion information has attracted researchers to automatically classify the polarity of…

Last week, three UN troops from Chad were killed in a roadside bomb in Mali, serving as a grim reminder of Chad’s role in providing troop’s throughout the Sahel. These troops are key to fighting terrorism in the region. The need for enforcement is even more desperate as focus on…

In the US, Western Europe, and the rest of the developed world, the threat COVID-19 poses has been a shuttered economy, overloaded health care, and higher numbers of casualties. However, when you look at the developing world, the threat COVID-19 poses is a much deeper issue. A perfect example of…

In the wake of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the defense and intelligence communities recognized that they could no longer ignore huge swaths of Africa. The terror attacks’ genesis may have laid in Afghanistan, but the threat failed states and ungoverned territories posed was broader. Not long after, the…

In February 2022, Tech Against Terrorism organised a roundtable discussion on “Assessing the Threat of Terrorist Exploitation of E2EE Services and Existing Responses.” This event marked the launch of a three-part roundtable series on assessing and countering terrorist use of end-to-end encrypted (E2EE) services, aiming to highlight risk mitigation strategies…