Showing 12 of 2511 results.

Many liberal democratic countries have enacted policy programmes aimed at preventing support for violent extremism. In countries such as the United Kingdom, part of this responsibility falls upon state-maintained schools. Teachers are charged with – among other things – challenging the claims, arguments and ideological narratives supportive of terrorism as…

This article outlines five principles for community development (primary level) programming to address violent and hateful extremism: focus on the local; strengthen capability; enhance inclusivity; foster connection; and monitor, evaluate, and learn. These principles were identified through a systematic review of programs for preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE) facilitated…

Background: Women are often portrayed in the common sense as nonviolent. If they do engage in terrorist activities, women are assumed to be passive agents, supporting their extremist husband, caring for their children, supporting the organization, or contributing to recruitment. The assumption that women merely follow their husband or dream…

Impulsivity is recognized as a significant radicalization risk factor, yet its underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Previous research suggests that impulsive actions are emotionally driven. If so, the recently proposed envy-as-radicalization model may clarify this relationship, providing insights into radicalized individuals’ dramatic cognitive and behavioral transformations. The current study hypothesizes that…

As the popularity and social significance of online gaming have surged, with more than three billion gamers encompassing a broad spectrum of the global population, the urgency to understand how gaming spaces constitute formative identity- and community-building environments is more essential than ever. While acknowledging that many gamers have positive…

This policy brief examines the methods of firearms acquisition by right-wing extremists (RWEs) in Europe between 2019 and 2024. Based on a dataset of 118 cases, it reveals that RWEs resort to diverse legal and illegal acquisition strategies, including the use of illicit markets, legal possession, theft from military and law enforcement…

The active involvement or employment of former extremists (Formers) in preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE) has been a feature of the P/CVE landscape for over a decade. While divisive, a consensus is emerging that what is considered productive involvement of Formers is dependent on several factors related to the…

In 2022, amidst a backdrop of growing violent extremism in the region, NDI launched a pilot preventing/countering violent extremism (P/CVE) program for youth in Abala, a commune in Niger. The program also integrated social and behavioral change (SBC) research and approaches in youth-political party programming from 2022–2023. The primary objective…

This report stems from the recognised need to explore the role of gender in radicalisation processes more deeply. Research and interviews with professionals form the basis for this report, and reiterated gaps further outlined in a complimentary report available here. Additional insights are shared in a concise analysis for ICCT here. Together,…

There is an ongoing need for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to identify and examine the online posting behaviors of violent extremists prior to their engagement in violence offline, but little is empirically known about their online presence generally or differences in their posting behaviors compared to their non-violent counterparts particularly….

This research aimed to enhance emotional awareness and engender empathy among primary school students in Pakistan through education, ultimately fostering emotional regulation and preventing disruptive behaviors. While emotional intelligence (EI) is increasingly recognized as a vital component in counter-terrorism efforts, it is seldom emphasized by young primary school students. Research…

Violent extremist, terrorist, and targeted hate actors have been actively exploiting video games to propagandise, recruit and fundraise for more than 30 years. This report presents an analysis of that history using a unique dataset, the Extremist and Terrorist Games Database (ETGD), developed by the authors. It contains 155 reviewed…