Violent extremism and radicalization that lead to terrorism (VERLT) is a denial of democracy and of human rights, which are at the very core of the OSCE. Young people are particularly vulnerable in this context, given their age and what comes with it, e.g. new digital channels for recruitment used
primarily by youth, belonging to marginalized communities, the portrayal of youth in the media, multiple identities and a variety of other factors.

In order to effectively commit to the elimination of VERLT, it is crucial to invest more in prevention measures targeting young people, while including them in shaping of such measures. Cooperation and work toward mutual values of peace and stability will pave the way for long-term change. Without the participation of youth, the protection of youth is not as certain.

Comprehensive human right education is one of the tools to tackle radicalization. However, taking into
account psychological factors behind sliding into destructive behaviors, emotional and social literacy are also crucial factors in early empowerment of the young generation and in strengthening their capacity to make sane choices for themselves and society in general.

Protecting youth from violent radicalization and extremism and combating terrorism in general is a task for all participating States, which requires a multidimensional approach, involvement of all stakeholders in society and cooperation and further research in order to develop feasible and effective prevention measures. OSCE wide cooperation and inclusion not only of youth but other actors in all of our societies is a necessity rather than a choice, as complex issues of this kind can be understood and resolved with combined efforts only.

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