The Gender and Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE) Policy Toolkit, presented to the Twentieth GCTF Coordinating Committee in September 2022, provides guidance to support the practical use of the Good Practices on Women and Countering Violent Extremism and its Addendum. The development of this GCTF toolkit was led by Australia and Indonesia, Co-Chairs of the Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) Working Group. The Global Center on Cooperative Security served as the Implementing Partner for this GCTF Initiative.


At the Sixth GCTF Ministerial Plenary Meeting in September 2015, the GCTF endorsed its Good Practices on Women and Countering Violent Extremism. These good practices were developed under the GCTF CVE Working Group, co-chaired at the time by the United Kingdom and the United Arab Emirates. In recognition of significant developments in the understanding of these issues since 2015, Australia and Indonesia, the current co-chairs of the CVE Working Group, developed the Addendum to the GCTF Good Practices on Women and Countering Violent ExtremismWith a Focus on Mainstreaming Gender. The addendum was endorsed at the Tenth GCTF Ministerial Plenary Meeting, in September 2019. To provide guidance and advice to support practical use of the Good Practices and its Addendum, Australia and Indonesia launched the development of the Policy Toolkit in 2020.

The Gender and P/CVE Toolkit

The Policy Toolkit is a non-binding document and practical tool to promote the use of GCTF resources that can be adapted to address national and local contexts. It is designed to support practitioners and policymakers through concrete examples of relevant frameworks and good practices on integrating gender-related considerations into P/CVE interventions, as well as case studies, guiding questions, and recommended resources. The Policy Toolkit includes a variety of resources, such as case studies, references to resources and literature, a glossary, and an annex providing an overview of existing UN resolutions and international framework documents.

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