This report aims to increase the understanding of initiatives by both governments and communities in this area and, through the identification of best practices, contribute to the formulation of effective programmes and policies. It is part of a larger project funded by the European Commission and is based on research and interviews conducted during visits to countries in question., It focuses on the education and training of Imams and Muslim faith leaders for a number of reasons, the major concern and focus in this area, in the context of counter-radicalisation, has been the development of Muslim religious leadership and the potential role it could play in enhancing the resilience of vulnerable individuals to radicalisation, the Education and training of Islamic faith leaders in Europe, the resources available for this report did not allow for the comparative evaluation of a range of faiths., This report focuses on those courses and institutions that aim to produce faith leaders, teachers and Imams, although conventional higher education in which Islamic themes may be studied are also mentioned where relevant. It is also important to note that not all available courses are included, the report instead provides an overview of some of the more established organisations and recent developments in this area.

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