
Titles which describe the destination of a link are highlighted on the website. Links will be displayed as a bold font sizes or by using darker colours.
We make every effort to describe where the link goes to; e.g. Counter Extremism Project.

You will always be warned if clicking on a link opens a file or website in a new browser window. The warning is either contained in the link itself,
the title attribute or in the text immediately after the link. Links to external sites open in a new browser window.

PDF Documents

Our website contains a number of Portable Document Format (PDF) documents.
You will need to download Adobe Reader to read these documents online, or to print them. Adobe Reader can be downloaded free of charge and is available for several computer operating systems including Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac and Linux.

For user with Microsoft products you can find more information on their website by visiting the accessibility section of the Microsoft website.

Adobe provides a free online tool that you can use to convert the guides to a plain text format.

To convert documents to plain text

Download and use Adobe’s online tool to change text to web page (HTML) or as plain text:

  1. Find the link on this website to the document you want to read, and copy it
  2. Go to Adobe’s online tools (opens in a new window)

To read more about Adobe Reader and accessibility on the Adobe website.

Potential limitations to accessibility

Whilst we strive to adhere to the accepted guidelines and standards for accessibility, it is not always possible to do so in all areas of the website. Current instances that we are aware of include:

  • Areas of the site with external supplier content;
  • Colour schemes may not provide enough contrast for complete read