Labour migration from the Republic of Tajikistan to the Russian Federation is mutually beneficial, at least for the foreseeable future. For Tajikistan, it allows solving serious problems with unemployment and thus contributes to mitigating the severity of domestic social and economic problems. Russia uses migrants to fill the demand for labour within the country, mostly for the jobs which native residents would not do for various reasons.

Most labour migrants from Tajikistan come to Russia to earn money to solve the financial problems of their families, relatives, and friends. Most of them are men. A significant portion of labour migrants noted that in Russia one can always find a job, and even when the salary is low it is at least stable. The Russian language ability and professional skills allow them to secure a well-paid job. While in Russia, some labour migrants from Tajikistan develop new professional skills, including those in high demand from employers.

Many migrants from Tajikistan come to Russia for seasonal work. Some of them plan to stay in Russia permanently.

Most of the Tajik migrants who have obtained Russian citizenship successfully integrate into a new environment. Their children get good education and opportunities for social mobility to achieve success.

Labour migration from Tajikistan to Russia should take place in an orderly manner, including the process of registration, obtaining a work permit or a patent, etc. The appropriate government bodies of the Republic of Tajikistan should be actively involved, and we recommend that they work in close cooperation with the federal and regional authorities of the Russian Federation. Tajikistan should cooperate with other states of Central Asia and the Russian Federation to prevent radicalisation and struggle effectively against violent extremism, and to develop a strategy for managing the return of foreign fighters.

As far as the fight against terrorism is concerned, in addition to combating poverty, social stratification and corruption, it is also necessary to coordinate the work of the state authorities of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Russian Federation, civil society institutions and non-governmental organizations to dismantle the financial basis of recruitment, which organized crime has turned into a profitable business, and to ensure that recruiters and their accomplices are severely and unavoidably punished.

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