UNESCO South Sudan and the Ministry of General Education and Instruction of the Republic of South Sudan in partnership with UNESCO-IICBA and Hedayah organized a “National Follow-up Capacity-building Workshop on the Prevention of Violent Extremism through Education (PVE-E)” from 3 to 5 October 2018. The workshop was attended by 31 Education Ministry personnel, teacher educators from two teacher training colleges and secondary school teachers from five secondary schools in South Sudan. The goal of the workshop was to build the capacities of education stakeholders, namely policy makers, teacher educators and teachers, to develop and implement educational interventions and approaches that contribute, effectively and appropriately to the prevention of violent extremism through resilience building and the promotion of global citizenship in South Sudan. This program was conducted as a follow-up to a “Capacity-Building Workshop on the Prevention of Violence through Education in Sub-Saharan Africa” hosted by UNESCO HQ and UNESCO-IICBA in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in 2017.

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