The European Commission-funded Radicalisation Awareness Network Prevent (RAN PREVENT) is the working group on early interventions to prevent violent extremism. RAN PREVENT brings together front line practitioners working ‘on the ground’ with vulnerable people (under the age of 26) who can get involved in extremist behaviour and political violence. The tasks of the RAN PREVENT working group are:, The Working Group aims to discover any successful standard processes in working with vulnerable groups and see if these can be used in other European countries as well. RAN PREVENT had its first meeting on 13-14 September 2012 in Budapest. Some 20 attendees exchanged promising practices. The significant contribution of former radicals to prevent others from radicalising was explored. There was discussion on the need of cooperation between practitioners with expertise on prevention on the one hand, and key persons/practitioners in communities at risk on the other hand. The following paper outlines some of the core policy recommendations of the Working Group.

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