Protecting American communities from al-Qa’ida’s hateful ideology is not the work of government alone. Communities – especially Muslim American communities whose children, families and neighbors are being targeted for recruitment by al-Qa’ida – are often best positioned to take the lead because they know their communities best. Indeed, Muslim American communities have categorically condemned terrorism, worked with law enforcement to help prevent terrorist attacks, and forged creative programs to protect their sons and daughters from al-Qa’ida’s murderous ideology., This strategy outlines how the Federal Government will support and help empower American communities and their local partners in their grassroots efforts to prevent violent extremism. The strategy commits the Federal Government to improving support to communities, including sharing more infomation about the threat of radicalisation, strengthening cooperation with local law enforcement, who work with these communities every day, and helping communities to better understand and protect themselves against violent extremist propaganda, especially online.

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