This report aims at creating an index of Islamic Radicalization in Italy thanks to the data and statistics retrieved from official sources and websites, and, consequently, at finding a Model that can effectively fit this phenomenon dynamics. Given, the high number of Muslims on the Italian soil, and the lack of an official Intesa between the Islamic faith and the Italian Government, it is not always easy to find official information regarding these individuals. Evidences have demonstrated that radicalization is a widespread threat in this country. Proofs of this have been the finding of several radicalized individuals residing in Italy or coming from Italy, and, more recently, the increasing number of individuals getting radicalized inside prisons. However, past models used to study the Italian situation, such as the proposed by NYPD, have found as not paying enough attention to Cognitive Radicalization. Thus for, this report proposes the application of two more recent models, i.e. the Two-Pyramids Model and the Three Phased Model, and investigates its efficiency by the implementation of two cases study. Furthermore, Italian counter-terrorism measures will briefly taken into account. Thanks to its long history inside the terrorist scenario, Italy has acquired the knowledge that preventive measures are very effective in preventing terrorism. In between them, even if not yet into practice in Italy, Rehabilitation programs are a huge step forward in the panorama of DeRadicalization.

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